As Registered Auditors we currently cater for sectors such as solicitors, travel
agents, charities, societies, clubs, LLPs & pension schemes that would all
require an audit.
We also act as auditors for organisations such as PLCs and we aim to provide
a practical cost-effective audit solution.
You may want the assurance of audited accounts when dealing with potential
finance providers or purchasers or indeed banks, which require audited
accounts as a condition of an overdraft facility.
Other benefits of an audit include;
- Key suppliers may want assurance of your company's financial health
- Revenue & Customs may require audited accounts,
- The audit provides reassurance to you that you are presented with a faithful
record of your company's financial performance and position
- The audit helps to detect fraud and there is the risk the accounts can
contain undetected errors
- Now Companies House will randomly examine accounts to check high standards
have been met so an audit will help to achieve this,
- With present money laundering compliance measures, an audit will provide
greater assurance to the directors of the accuracy of the financial
- Provision of audited accounts to credit agencies will enable access to
further finance
- Audited accounts can aid with succession planning as your business grows
- We can report on any operational weaknesses in your accounting systems and
readily make recommendations for their improvement
- The audit can identify any potential going concern problems at the outset of
an audit and this will also aid cash flow
- Audited accounts will reduce the risk of Revenue & Customs commencing an
investigation as now most other audit exempt companies probable will have
submitted non-audited accounts and so you will save cost and time associated
with a potential investigation
- If family parties are involved in your business now or in the future, an
audit would enable the inspection of the accounts by an independent person
who can look at the business objectively and manage any potential conflicts
that may arise in the future.
- In all our audits, we aim to ensure procedures are in place at all levels to
ensure that all our audits are conducted in accordance with best practice
and auditing standards.
For further information please